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SK - 900 32 Borinka (80 km from Vienna)
IBAN: SK3411000000002945148230, Swift: TATRSKBX
The company is registered in the OR of the District Court in Bratislava III, section: Sro, insert no.: 160826/B
Record type * Inquiry: Blower for sewage treatment plant Add advertising PR article Add company Add goods to the e-shop Add an ad (Product) to the bazaar Other
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Form of publication * Free: a backlink from your home page and via social networks to our portal is required Paid listing - EUR 9.90 without VAT, Creation of 1 advertising PR article and its publication on the portal with publication also on social networks Paid listing - EUR 19.90 without VAT, Writing and publishing 3 PR articles on the international portal and also publishing on social networks Advertising banner - 50 EUR without VAT for 12 months Linkbuilding - backlink to your site from the text of the article: 5 EUR without VAT per year COPYWRITING - we will write a series of 10 PR articles for your website for SEO optimization of your website - price 90 EUR without VAT Other entry: according to the feast - write in the note
Address where you post a backlink in case of free recording or topping * Address where you post a backlink in case of free recording or topping
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