Overacidification of the body: Causes, consequences and solution: Deacidification of the body using a 15-year successful German program
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Discover the proven 15-year-old German program for deacidification of the body according to Dr.h.c. Peter Jentschura. Find out how an inappropriate diet affects your health and how to achieve optimal body pH for the proper functioning of the body.

How to achieve optimal body pH and get rid of health problems
Incorrect diet, stress and lack of rest lead to overacidification of the body, which manifests itself in gradual organ damage, fatigue and depression. The optimal blood pH level in the body should be between 7.35 and 7.45.
How an inappropriate diet affects our health and internal environment
Consumption of unsuitable foods such as meat, sausages, fats, sugars and white bread, together with a lack of fluids, contributes to increasing the acidity of the internal environment.
The result of hyperacidity is the formation of excess uric acid, which overloads the kidneys and liver, which leads to various diseases, such as gout, gallstones and kidney stones, rheumatism, diabetes, high blood pressure and others. An acidic environment also supports the growth of bacteria and microorganisms.
Alkaline cleansing of the body: A tradition dating back to ancient times
The solution is alkaline cleansing of the body, which was already used in ancient cultures. Today we have at our disposal an alkaline-mineral bath salt with a pH of 8.0 - 8.5 (Meine Base), which helps remove harmful substances from the body through the pores of the skin, similar to how a fetus is cleansed in amniotic fluid.
Meine Base: Alkaline-mineral bath salt for optimal body pH
Today we have an alkaline-mineral bath salt with a pH of 8.0 8.5 known as Meine Base, which provides us with an effective way to rid the body of harmful substances.
The pH value of 8.0 - 8.5 is not accidental, because this is the pH of the amniotic fluid, in which the fetus is purified through the skin by osmosis. All the harmful substances in our body are acidic, which means that they have a pH lower than 7. When we immerse our body in water with a pH of 8-8.5, the harmful substances are beautifully drawn out through the pores of our skin thanks to osmosis. This process helps us relieve the work of the kidneys, which would otherwise have to work to remove these harmful substances from the body, which they often cannot handle, and therefore the harmful substances remain in the body.
These topics are addressed by Ing.Tatiana Banášová, who is dedicated to holistic medicine and advice for a healthy lifestyle.
Ing.Tatiana Banášová
consulting for a healthy lifestyle
tatiana@banasova.sk www.tatianabanasova.sk Mobile: 0911 293 191
- deacidification of the body
- hyperacidity
- body pH
- optimal pH
- health problems
- inappropriate diet
- acidic environment
- uric acid
- kidneys
- liver
- gout
- gallstones
- kidney stones
- rheumatism
- diabetes
- high blood pressure
- bacteria
- microorganisms
- alkaline cleansing
- antiquity
- alkaline-mineral bath salt
- Meine Base
- harmful substances
- skin pores
- amniotic fluid
- Alkaline body cleansing
- www.tatianabanasova.sk
- Ing.Tatiana Banášová
- advice for a healthy lifestyle
- Peter Jentschura
- Josef Lohkämper