100% natural probiotic PROBIOTIC Moringa Caribbean is a complex of 10 strains of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli - vital microorganisms and pure Moringa Caribbean powder in BIO quality

100% natural probiotic PROBIOTIC Moringa Caribbean is a complex of 10 strains of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli - vital microorganisms and pure Moringa Caribbean powder in BIO quality


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PROBIOTIC Moringa Caribbean is a unique complex of ten strains of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. These vital microorganisms, together with pure Moringa Caribbean powder of high BIO quality, are packed in vegan capsules. Read more


16,55 €

20,36 € incl. VAT

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Producer: Moringa Caribbean


PROBIOTIC Moringa Caribbean is an innovative dietary supplement combining ten different strains of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. These vital microorganisms are complemented by organic quality Moringa Caribbean powder, all packaged in vegan capsules.

The daily recommended dose of one capsule contains up to 10 billion of these friendly probiotic bacteria, ensuring a high live culture content. Due to its resistance to the acidic environment in the stomach, our Moringa Caribbean complex with a unique strain of Lactobacillus plantarum is ideal for maximum effectiveness in the digestive tract.

This advanced method of probiotic culture ensures that each strain is cultivated separately and their certified quality and ratio to each other is assured.

Probiotics, whose name comes from Greek and means "for life", are the opposite of antibiotics. They are beneficial microorganisms that occur naturally in our intestinal microflora and are key to the functioning of the immune and digestive systems. Replenishing them is especially important after taking antibiotics, as their deficiency can lead to digestive disorders and other health problems.

Probiotics are suitable for year-round use, but also as your holiday essentials. Regular use promotes the balance of intestinal microflora, aids in digestion and food processing, and prevents "traveler's diarrhea" and other health complications.

Disruption of the bacterial balance can cause many health problems. This balance can be disturbed by taking certain medications, changing diet, infections, inflammation, stress, alcohol abuse, or radiation therapy.

Antibiotics, which do not distinguish between beneficial and pathogenic bacteria, are one of the most common ways to disrupt the balance of the microflora. It is therefore advisable to start taking probiotics as a preventive measure from the start of antibiotic treatment and to continue taking them for at least 14 days after the antibiotic treatment has finished.

Probiotics are suitable as an adjunctive treatment for antibiotic use, inflammatory and autoimmune bowel diseases, as well as lactose intolerance.

Taking probiotics is a common part of a lifestyle aimed at promoting health and proper function of the digestive and immune systems. By taking them regularly, we can prevent many health problems.

When taking antibiotics and probiotics, it is important to keep a time interval of at least 2 hours between taking them. Antibiotics should be taken first, followed by probiotics after at least 2 hours.

_If antibiotics are taken every 12 hours, the probiotic should also be taken twice a day._

Dosage instructions
For children aged 3-5 years, the preparation is for adult supervision only. Adults and children over 6 years of age may take 1 capsule daily, ideally with meals. To be most effective, we recommend taking the preparation at least 2-3 hours before or after taking antibiotics.

Safety warning

The preparation is not suitable for children under 3 years of age. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. This dietary supplement is not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. Store in a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C and in a closed container. Protect from moisture, frost, direct sunlight and radiant heat. Keep out of the reach of children.
Quality of our product

Our products are based on pure natural ingredients, for the quality of which we are fully responsible. Caribbean Moringa is grown on unpolluted plantations on the volcanic island of St. Lucia in the Caribbean. The harvesting, processing and storage process is strictly regulated and complies with the most stringent standards for the material. Hygiene and sterility controls are also adhered to.

We offer high nutrition, organic, chemical, pesticide and herbicide free produce. Our products are of premium quality. We ensure that they retain all their nutritional elements, natural color and fragrance. Moringa trees are grown in accordance with the strictest standards for organic farming and subsequent processing is carried out in adequate facilities, again in accordance with strict international standards. During the drying process, when the water evaporates from the fresh moringa leaves, we only use very low temperatures, up to a maximum of 42°C. This results in even more nutritious moringa leaves than would be possible with other drying methods.
Contents of the package

The package contains 30 vegan capsules in a blister pack.

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100% natural probiotic PROBIOTIC Moringa Caribbean is a complex of 10 strains of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli - vital microorganisms and pure Moringa Caribbean powder in BIO quality
100% natural probiotic PROBIOTIC Moringa Caribbean is a complex of 10 strains of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli - vital microorganisms and pure Moringa Caribbean powder in BIO quality

16,55 €

20,36 € incl. VAT

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