How to publish an ad in the bazaar

We offer you the opportunity to add and publish your ad or product on our platforms:

1. Free publication of an ad in the Bazaar:

a, Sign up on the social network and after logging in you can add your ad or product to the bazaar completely free while this offer applies to companies as well as private individuals.

After registering on the network, you can also add your old or new goods, services or real estate for sale in the section bazaar.

b, Another possibility of adding an advertisement, goods or services free of charge is to fill in the contact form form on the website or sending an email with the advertisement proposal and the images you wish to publish. The condition for free publication is a back link from your website to our portal if you are a company< /strong> and if you are a private person, share the link to our portal on your social networks.

2. Paid advertisement publication:

Publication of advertisements for the sale of goods, services or real estate, publication of accommodation offers on platforms and wisdom is a paid service.

You can activate the service by filling out the form on the page or below this text, or by sending an email with your request or by adding the article publication service.

Choose from our options for publishing advertisements and use the opportunity to present your business, products or services to our readers. In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to cooperation!

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