How to choose a juicer

Comparison of Hurom H320N and Angel Juicer 5500 340

Comparison of Hurom H320N and Angel Juicer 5500

With the Angel Juicer 5500 and the Hurom H320N we introduce the nec plus ultra fruit and vegetable juicing technology. These two top-of-the-range models boast outstanding quality, functionality and innovation, making them among the top of the juicers.

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What can we juice with the Angel Juicer?

1. Function: juicing various fruits and vegetables Benefit: Angel Juicer allows you to get maximum nutrition from your favorite vegetables and fruits. This top-of-the-line juicer can handle anything from delicate berries to tough vegetables like carrots. This will give you juicy, tasty and nutritious juices full of vitamins

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Why Angel Juicer is the best juicer

The Angel Juicer is considered one of the best juicers on the market for many reasons. Firstly, it is an auger juicer that is particularly effective at extracting the maximum amount of juice from fruits and vegetables. This means that you get more juice out of your ingredients and less is wasted.

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What will you mostly be juicing?

As you probably already know, juicers are handy devices that allow you to get the purest and healthiest juice out of your fruits and vegetables. With a juicer, you can create your own cocktails full of vitamins and minerals that are so important for our bodies. But we all know why you're here. You need to know how to choose the best juicer for your needs. And that's what we're going to focus on in this part of our post.

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Comparing Huron and Angel Juicers

Comparing Huron and Angel Juicers can be tricky, as both products are highly rated and have different strengths. Here are a few key differences you should consider.

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What type of juice do you prefer?

Whenever you decide to kick-start your body with a juicy injection of nutrients, it's important to know what type of juice you prefer. There are a huge variety of juicers on the market that offer different features and options, so you need to be clear about what you expect from your next kitchen helper.

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Guide to choosing a juicer

When we think of healthy living, images of freshly squeezed juices made from lots of fruit and vegetables often come to mind. They can be a wonderful addition to our diet, providing us with the vitamins and minerals we need. However, which juicer should we choose? There are countless options in the world of kitchen appliances and it can be overwhelming for many of us. That's why I'm bringing you this guide to help you make an informed decision.

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How much juice will you prepare at a time?

As you walk through the kitchen, you remember an old saying: "An apple a day from the doctor will get you through the day". Fortunately, we're in the 21st century where there are plenty of tools to make apple juice, even from other fruits, in the comfort of your own home. But then comes the next question: How much juice will you be making at one time?

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How often will you use the juicer?

The story of how a simple question becomes a key factor in a purchase is like a case from the world of Sherlock Holmes. In this story, the juicer is our mystery and the frequency of its use is the key to unraveling it. How often will you actually use the juicer?

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How will a good quality juicer help you?

Welcome to our journey into a world full of vitamins, minerals and great tastes. Owning a quality juicer is like having your own miraculous source of health and well-being right in your kitchen. Find out how this guide can help you choose the right one in the following section. Get carried away by the stories and concrete examples that demonstrate how a quality juicer can help you.

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  • Coarse sieve for Angel Juicer 5500/7500

    SUS 304 stainless steel coarse sieve for soft fruit juicing for Angel Juicer 5500/ 7500

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    232 €

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  • Hurom H310 -nízkootáčkový odšťavovač ovocia a zeleniny 357,93 € 5%


    Hurom H310 -nízkootáčkový odšťavovač ovocia a zeleniny

    Predstavujeme vám Hurom H310 - najnovší prírastok do rodiny špičkových odšťavovačov Hurom. Tento malý zázrak prináša revolúciu do sveta odšťavovania a zmení váš pohľad na zdravý životný štýl.


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  • Hurom H320N low speed juicer 613,77 € 5%


    Hurom H320N low speed juicer

    Introducing the Hurom H320N, a low-speed juicer that revolutionizes the world of healthy drinks! With this cutting-edge technology, you will experience juicing on a whole new level.


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  • Hurom H400 odšťavovač s 10 ročnou zárukov  a veľkou prípravnou komorou a ľahkým čistením 716,48 € 5%


    Hurom H400 odšťavovač s 10 ročnou zárukov a veľkou prípravnou komorou a ľahkým čistením

    Ste pripravení zmeniť svoj život k lepšiemu? Predstavujeme vám Hurom H400 - najnovší a najpokročilejší odšťavovač na trhu, ktorý premení vašu kuchyňu na oázu zdravia a vitality.


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  • Odšťavovač Hurom H330N: 5 v 1 sada: Hurom X Dahlert sušička, Hurom - Mini mixér, Hurom x Gehring kuchynský nôž, Hurom nerezová fľaška - 330ml 897,90 € 20%


    Odšťavovač Hurom H330N: 5 v 1 sada: Hurom X Dahlert sušička, Hurom - Mini mixér, Hurom x Gehring kuchynský nôž, Hurom nerezová fľaška - 330ml

    Odšťavovač Hurom H330N - Teraz v špeciálnej edícii spolu s nasledovnou výbavou naviac: Hurom X Dahlert sušička, Hurom - Mini mixér, Hurom x Gehring kuchynský nôž, Hurom nerezová fľaška - 330ml . Špeciálna ponuka na unikátnu sadu patí iba do vypredania zásob.


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  • Hurom HW professional juicer for continuous operation 1126,68 € 5%


    Hurom HW professional juicer for continuous operation

    The Hurom HW professional juicer for continuous operation is the ideal choice for bars and restaurants. This powerful low-speed juicer is characterised by its precision, durability and excellent design. With its large juice chamber, which holds up to 1 litre, and two additional juicing chambers, this machine is ready for efficient operation.


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  • Angel Juicer 5500 1303,80 € 5%


    Angel Juicer 5500

    The Angel Juicer5500 includes: fine strainer, glass pitcher, plastic cup for juice and pulp, wooden squeezer, silicone rings, round cleaning brush, stainless steel scraper and instructions. The juicer is recommended for:leafy vegetables, herbs, root vegetables, apples, citrus in smaller quantities, melons, strawberries, cucumbers, young barley, needle sprouts, nut milks Not suitable for:floury...


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  • Angel Juicer 7500

    The Angel Juicer 7500 includes: fine strainer, glass pitcher, plastic cup for juice and pulp, wooden squeezer, silicone rings, round cleaning brush, stainless steel scraper and instructions. The juicer is recommended for:leafy vegetables, herbs, root vegetables, apples, citrus in smaller quantities, melons, strawberries, cucumbers, young barley, needle sprouts, nut milks Not suitable for:floury...

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  • Angel Juicer 8500S

    The Angel Juicer 8500S includes: fine strainer, glass pitcher, plastic cup for juice and pulp, wooden squeezer, silicone rings, round cleaning brush, stainless steel scraper and instructions. The juicer is recommended for:leafy vegetables, herbs, root vegetables, apples, citrus in smaller quantities, melons, strawberries, cucumbers, young barley, needle sprouts, nut milks Not suitable...

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    1500 €

    1845 € incl. VAT

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