How to choose the right juicer?

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Odšťavovače sú skvelým spôsobom, ako zvýšiť príjem ovocia a zeleniny v našej strave. S takým širokým výberom na trhu môže byť výber toho správneho zariadenia náročný. Tu je niekoľko tipov, ktoré vám pomôžu urobiť ten správny výber. First, it is important to consider the type of juicer. There are two main types - masticating juicers and auger juicers. Masticating juicers are faster, but they can be noisier and less effective at extracting juice from certain types of fruits and vegetables. Screw juicers are quieter and can be more efficient, but are usually more expensive. The second important factor is the size of the juicer. If you have limited space, it may be helpful to consider a smaller model. On the other hand, if you plan on juicing large quantities of fruits and vegetables on a regular basis, a larger model may be more suitable. You should also consider how easy the juicer is to clean. Some models can be more difficult to clean, which can be a problem if you plan on juicing frequently. Nakoniec, vždy je dobré prečítať si recenzie a porovnať ceny rôznych modelov predtým, než sa rozhodnete pre nákup.


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